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Outcome of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Governing Council

The Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Governing Council was held at the Bel Air Hotel, The Hague, The Netherlands, on 6 and 7 December 2016. Mr. Aly Touré, Permanent Representative of Côte d'Ivoire to International Commodity Organizations, London, and Alternate Governor of CFC for Côte d'Ivoire, presided over the meeting in his capacity as Chairperson of the Governing Council.

The Council considered and adopted a Decision extending the date of entry into force of the amendments to the Agreement Establishing the CFC and the entry into force of a number of new documents, and amendments to the existing documents of the “Second Level” to 10 January 2018. The Governing Council further approved the Administrative Budget for 2017 and Amendments to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the Common Fund for Commodities.

The meeting ended with the re-election of Mr. Aly Touré as Chairperson of the Governing Council for the year 2017.

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