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Employment opportunities

Vacancies in the Secretariat are announced on this website and are also notified to Members of the CFC. They are open only to nationals of Member Countries of the CFC. The working language of the Common Fund is English. All staff members of the Common Fund work at its headquarters in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The salary scales and service conditions of the Common Fund are generally in line with relevant UN practices. More information about UN pay scales and service conditions can be accessed through UN’s INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION website.

The CFC does not accept open applications and will not respond to applicants unless they apply for, and are shortlisted for, an advertised vacancy.

Important notice for applicants who are currently insured under the Dutch Social Security system

Although based in the Netherlands, the CFC is not a regular Dutch employer but an international organisation with its own special status. Please be advised that if you are currently insured under the Dutch Social Security system, you will be excluded from this system as a staff member of the CFC and instead you will be insured under the organisation’s system.

The above also applies to your dependents unless they are employed by a regular Dutch employer, they are self-employed in the Netherlands, or are receiving Dutch social security payments.

Please refer to the website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment for more information about the possible consequences for you and your dependents, such as exclusion from ‘AOW’ and ‘Zorgverzekeringswet’ coverage: WORKING IN AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION

Beware of fraudulent job offers

CFC is aware of fictitious employment offers being circulated via email or originating from online job boards. Many of these schemes consist of an alleged offer of employment or contract with CFC in return for the payment of fees or providing personal or banking information.

Please note that CFC does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview, meeting, traveling, processing, training or any other fees).