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Ms. Jie Chen of China was elected as Chairperson of the Consultative Committee of the CFC

Ms. Jie Chen of People’s Republic of China was elected as Chairperson of the Consultative Committee (CC). This election took place on 25 January 2021, when members of the CC met for the 67th Session of the Committee virtually.

Jie_ChenMs. Jie Chen has been a member of the CC for the last two years and has been able to prove her expertise in the commodity sector to the satisfaction of all. Accordingly, Ms. Jie Chen was elected by consensus as Chairperson of the CC.

Ms. Chen is currently the Director of World Research Division, Research Institute of Forestry Policy and Information, Chinese Academy of Forestry. She has more than 15 years’ experience in the areas of timber investment and trade. She has good communication skills through over 10 years’ experience on working with stakeholders and multi-disciplinary teams. She has participated in nearly 15 flagship projects as coordinator or technical expert and published more than 10 timber legality and forest policy related reports and other publications. She holds a master’s degree in English.

Ms. Jie Chen is the first ever women and the first representative from the People’s Republic of China to be ever elected as Chairperson of the CC. It may be noted that this is the first time the composition of the CC includes more women (5) than men (4).

CC is the expert committee responsible for the thread-bare scrutiny of projects, making sure that such projects bring adequate social and environmental impacts to the member states in a sustainable way. CFC, as an impact investment fund, is committed to create adequate impacts in its 101 member states.

The meeting of the CC will continue up to 28 January 2021. This meeting will select projects received through the 17th Call for the Proposals and will eventually recommend for approval by the Executive Board in April 2021.

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