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Fifth Call for Proposals - Projects to be reviewed by the Consultative Committee

The Fifth Call for Proposals, which was opened in August 2014, has resulted in more than 130 project submissions. Initial screening of the proposals which were received by the Secretariat was done against a number of set criteria related to expected development impact, project design, completeness of information provided, quality of financial information, etc.

On the basis of this screening, the following projects have been placed on the agenda of the Consultative Committee (the Fund’s external technical advisory committee) for a more in-depth review and analysis.

  • Nafslid Integrated Agro Forestry;
  • Zinc Die-casting in India;
  • Coconut Sweetener Production Facilities in Indonesia;
  • Contribution to Food Security through Large Scale Dissemination of Plantain Varieties, Seed and Fruits at a Semi Industrial Production Scale;
  • Scaling Smallholder based Premium Coffee Production in Congo and Rwanda;
  • Agricultural Storage Investment Fund (ASIF);
  • Capacity Installation for the Production of Hermetic Storage Sacks and Collapsible Drying Systems;
  • Scale up of Smallholder Agricultural Supply Chain, Zimbabwe;
  • The African Food Distribution (TAFD), Mozambique;
  • Business strategy for Xieng Khouang Rice Cooperative;
  • Upgrading Seaweeds Value Chain;
  • Increasing sustainable Nutmeg production for Smallholders (Indonesia);
  • Supporting Coastal Community Livelihood through Improvement in Fishing Technology;

The meeting of the Committee will take place in the last week of January 2015. Based on the recommendations of the Committee, proposals may be submitted to the Fund’s Executive Board for consideration of approval (April 2015).

The proponents of the above mentioned projects will be informed on the outcome of the review after the meeting of the Committee.

Parties who have submitted proposals which are not mentioned in the above list, may consider their proposals not having been successful in meeting the stipulated criteria, in absolute and/or competitive terms.


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