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Deputy Head of Mission for the Republic of Kenya

Deputy Head of Mission for the Republic of Kenya visits the CFC

Ambassador Ms. Judith Achieng’ Sijeny, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Kenya in The Hague, is seen with Managing Director Ambassador Sheikh Mohammed Belal at the Secretariat of the CFC. Ambassador Sijeny today paid a courtesy visit to the Common Fund for Commodities to discuss issues of mutual interests. As a commodity dependent developing country, Kenya, as stated my Amb. Sijeny, takes CFC with utmost importance. Kenya expressed their readiness to do more for their people as well as for all poor people in the region.

Ambassador Sijeny was accompanied by Ms. Josephine Opili, Third Secretary at the Embassy. Ambassador Belal was accompanied by Mr. Hector Besong, Portfolio and Risk Manager.

Deputy Head of Mission for Kenya
From left: Ambassador Ms. Judith Achieng’ Sijeny, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Kenya; Ms. Josephine Opili, Third Secretary; Amb. Sheikh Mohammed Belal, Managing Director of CFC; and Mr. Hector Besong, Portfolio and Risk Manager

During the discussion, Ambassador Belal briefed Ambassador Sijeny on the current as well as probable future initiatives of the CFC. Ambassador Belal elaborated on the elements, what he termed as green recovery in a post pandemic era, to help COVID-19 wrecked smallholder and SMEs to get to their feet at the earliest. Ambassador Belal wished to see more working relations and partnership with the countries in the days to come.

Before taking leave, Ambassador Sijeny assured that she will do her best to bring good project ideas from her country and the region as well as promoting the idea of impact investment as best as she could. Ambassador Belal urged Ambassador Sijeny to disseminate the information with business chambers, Ministries, and enterprises so that qualified SMEs/enterprises could submit quality projects from Kenya for consideration by the Executive Board of CFC, and to attend potential entrepreneurs from Kenya to attend the CFC webinar sessions arranged for potential applicants to the CFC call for proposals.

Ambassador Belal assured to pursue more innovative outreach in the days to come to make the services of CFC available to as many people as possible in the commodity dependent developing world, with a heightened sense of innovations and creativity.

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