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Jan Stap BV

CFC supports the development of a sustainable agricultural production in Pojuca, Brazil

The Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) has signed a EUR 1,000,000 loan with Jan Stap B.V., aimed at supporting the development of an agricultural production base of limes in the municipality of Pojuca, in Bahia State, Brazil.

With an estimated annual production of 12 tons of lime, the project will provide stable employment to about 50 local farmers in a poor region in Brazil. In addition, the project will indirectly create additional jobs along the value chain in the processing and logistic services. The project aims at obtaining the Global Gap and FAIR TRADE certifications by the first year of harvesting, ensuring fair working conditions throughout all the value chain.


Jan Stap BV

The agreement was signed by Parvindar Singh, Managing Director of the CFC and Fabricio Costa Torres (the owner of Jan Stap B.V.).

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