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CFC Annual Report 2019

The year 2019 has been a year of new ideas and project initiatives on a range of subjects covering commodities and their impact on both the producers as well as on the consumers. The focus has been on new activities which are aligned with the CFC’s vision of the role of commodities as the foundation of the economic development for the poor. We continue to target critical weaknesses along the value chains affecting the smallholder producers, which enables us to achieve visible results with maximum efficiency.

The CFC Annual Report 2019 highlights work done during the year and contains a summary on major initiatives undertaken by the Fund. Information is also included on CFC supported commodity projects in different locations in Africa, Asia and the Latin America and the Caribbean, covering a range of commodities from nuts and coffee to fertilizers, shrimp, and tropical fruits.

Responding to the interests of the Members of the CFC, this Annual Report includes feature articles on emerging topics of strategic importance:

(i) Alternative financing mechanisms for smallholder farmers;

(ii) Blockchain technologies and their potential in international development, and;

(iii) Social and Environmental Risk Management systems (SEMS).

The CFC, even during COVID-19, continued its development initiatives undeterred.  The CFC remains grateful to member states for their strong support in approving special measures to mitigate, where applicable, the damages due to pandemic. The CFC shall continue to strive to keep people ahead of business as it works toward achievement of sustainable development goals along with our clients and partners.


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