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Ambassador of Tanzania

Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania visits CFC

H.E. Ms. Irene F.M. Kasyanju, Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania to the Netherlands, is seen with Managing Director Ambassador Sheikh Mohammed Belal at the Secretariat of the CFC. H.E. Ms. Kasyanju came to visit CFC for the first time to know more about the activities of the CFC and its impact on the ground.

Her Excellency was accompanied by Ms. Linda Mkony, Acting Head of Trade, Investment and Tourism Affairs at the Embassy. Ambassador Belal was accompanied by Mr. Hector Besong, Portfolio and Risk Manager.

During the discussion, Ambassador Belal briefed Ambassador Kasyanju on the current as well as probable future initiatives of the CFC. The possibility of multi-country projects to complement the efforts of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in achieving better connectivity among countries was also touched upon. Ambassador Belal, taking cue from COVID-19 lessons, highlighted the importance of capacity building initiatives beyond business case of CFC’s usual projects. The importance of digitalization is perhaps the only silver lining of this pandemic should we wish to keep us in a better state of preparedness next time.

With regard to the ongoing call for proposals by CFC, Ambassador Belal urged Ambassador Kasyanju to disseminate the information so that qualified SMEs/enterprises could submit quality projects from the United Republic of Tanzania for consideration by the Executive Board of CFC.

Amb. Tanzania
From left: Ms. Linda Mkony, Acting Head of Trade, Investment and Tourism Affairs; H.E. Ms. Irene F.M. Kasyanju, Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania; Amb. Sheikh Mohammed Belal, Managing Director of CFC; and Mr. Hector Besong, Portfolio and Risk Manager
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