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Ambassador of Yemen

Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen visits CFC

H.E. Ms. Sahar Ghanem, Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Netherlands, is seen with Managing Director Ambassador Sheikh Mohammed Belal at the Secretariat of the CFC. H.E. Ms. Sahar Ghanem came to visit CFC to know more about the activities of the CFC and explore means to have deeper presence of CFC in her country in the future.

Her Excellency Ghanem was accompanied by Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Hasan Fakher, Counsellor at the Embassy. Ambassador Belal was accompanied by Mr. Hector Besong, Portfolio and Risk Manager.

During the discussion, Ambassador Belal briefed Ambassador Ghanem on the current as well as probable future initiatives of the CFC. Ambassador Belal elaborated on the elements, what he termed as green recovery in a post pandemic era, to help COVID-19 wrecked smallholder and SMEs to get to their feet at the earliest. Ambassador Belal wished to see more working relations and partnership with the countries in the days to come.

Amb. of Yemen (2)

Before taking leave, Ambassador Ghanem assured that she will do her best to bring good project ideas from her country and the region as well as promoting the idea of impact investment as best as she could. Ambassador Belal urged Ambassador Ghanem to disseminate the information so that qualified SMEs/enterprises could submit quality projects from Yemen for consideration by the Executive Board of CFC.

Given the challenging situation in Yemen, at this time, it is perhaps high time to invest for projects as well as capacity building so that productivity could be activated as soon as situation permits. The issue of specific single country projects like those of fortified food for the children, income generating activities for women etc were also discussed and resolved to explore funding sources.

Ambassador Belal assured to pursue more innovative outreach in the days to come to make the services of CFC available to as many people as possible in the commodity dependent developing world, with a heightened sense of innovations and creativity.

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