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Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan visits CFC

H.E. Mr. Mohammad Asif Rahimi, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the Netherlands, is seen with Managing Director Ambassador Sheikh Mohammed Belal at the Secretariat of the CFC. H.E. Mr. Rahimi came to visit CFC, for the first time, to know more about the activities of the CFC and its impact on the ground.

His Excellency was accompanied by Ms. Sanga Siddiqi, Legal Assistant and Secretary of International Organizational Affairs. Ambassador Belal was accompanied by Mr. Hector Besong, Portfolio and Risk Manager.

During the discussion, Ambassador Belal briefed Ambassador Rahimi on the current as well as other innovations that CFC either is implementing or contemplating to implement in the near future. They also briefly discussed a single country project considering the special circumstances prevailing in Afghanistan.

With regard to the ongoing call for proposals by CFC, Ambassador Belal urged Ambassador Rahimi to disseminate the information so that qualified SMEs/enterprises could submit quality projects from the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for consideration by the Executive Board of CFC.

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