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Agrique Africa Investment Summit, 24 Oct 2017

On October 24th the Chief Operation Officer (COO) of the CFC participated in the Agrique Africa Investment Summit held in Frankfurt. He was part of a panel under the title “ Trends and opportunities in the African-Agri-Finance: A focus on the missing middle gap” . The COO presented the financing provided by CFC as a possibility to cover this “missing middle gap” by its term of financing up to 1.5 million USD and by its 7 year tenure of loans in the agricultural value chain. The program of the session and list of participants is given below:

Time: 10:55 - 11:25

Discussion Topic:

Panel Discussion: Trends and Opportunities in the African Agri-Finance: A focus on the ‘missing middle gap’

This session will cover and illustrate the ‘Missing Middle gap’ within African Agri-financing by focusing on small projects and large projects (i.e.: smallholder farmers/businesses and large multinational agri-businesses). The aim of the session will be to explore viable ways of how funds can be made available to meet the smaller projects and meet the actual demand of the masses, rather than ‘cherry-pick’ the few large and prestigious projects


• Moderator: Christof Walter, Director, Christof Walter Associates
• Peter Grouev, Partner, Head Investment Strategy &Risk Management, GreenTec Capital Partners
• Jonathan Nkoola, Senior Project Manager, Frankfurt School of Management
• Axel Gruber, COO, Common Fund for Commodities


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